Pinta Lima consolidates year after year a program of outstanding curators to position modern and contemporary art from Latin America in the world.

Irene Gelfman is the Global Curator of Pinta. Her curatorial approach covers all Pinta events, with the goal of promoting Latin American art through a variety of initiatives. Among these, she selects renowned experts for the fair sections and coordinates their curatorial proposals, which undergo a careful selection and validation process, ensuring high-level projects in the field of Latin American art. Additionally, she is responsible for the Video Project and Special Project at each fair, which highlight the diversity and innovation of Latin American art.

From the RADAR Section, the aim is to highlight a set of artistic productions that, through various languages and mediums, focus on the ability of art to reeducate our perception regarding our environment, sensitize us regarding the care of natural resources, and prioritize ancestral practices and knowledge in the face of the imminent crisis of habitability on our planet.

NEXT is an innovative platform that allows the fair's audience to discover the latest art from Latin America. The section brings together galleries that support emerging artists committed to their contexts and the artistic experimentation of the region.

This series of conversations addresses current debates relevant to the creation ecosystems in Latin America. From the perspectives of visual arts, curatorial practice, collecting, and art history research, meetings are held to discuss ongoing themes and issues in contemporary contexts.

As part of the FORO, the ‘Charlas de Colección’ (Collection Talks) cycle will be inaugurated, coordinated by Pablo León de la Barra. This is a program of formation and reflection that will address the various formats of collecting in Latin America.