Les Egusquiza
Lives and works in Lima, studied painting at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
She has solo exhibitions such as "El lugar entre el cielo y la tierra" in Vigil Gonzales Gallery (Pe) 2020 ; "Infinito Devenir" CC Ricardo Palma, (Pe) 2017. And collaborated in group exhibitions such as "El Festival del Silencio" project by Oficina de Luz and the Nimda Foundation for Aparador Cuchilla (Mex) 2020; "Avistaje" made by Vigil Gonzales gallery (Pe) in collaboration with Piedras Galería (Arg) 2019; "Dafne" exhibited at Centro Carmen Jimenez organized El centro de igualdad de la Zubia in collaboration with the University of Granada (Esp) 2019; "Cisne Rojo, Cisne Azul" proposed at Aldo Chaparro Studio (Mex) 2019; "Olvida Mañana" exhibited at L'Imaginaire Gallery , Alianza Francesa (Lim) 2017 and "Somos Anfibios, evoluciona o muere" Local Project - Terminal 1 (Stgo) 2012.
Her work is part of the Jorge M. Perez Collection (Miami).
Les Egusquiza's work revisits certain relationships between violence and power in everyday life, involving intimate spaces that pass between memories and invocations, which are materialized through scenes, landscapes and objects in paintings, videos and installations.
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Esta serie es un relato sobre montañas construidas a partir del recuerdo, estados mentales, memoria y la pulsión sincera que la artista experimenta al convivir entre ellas.
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in