Curated by Max Hernández Calvo

The Sculpture Garden revolves around the concepts of post-landscape and post-nature, which denote an approach to natural spaces that moves beyond the contemplative (the pastoral, the picturesque) to incorporate critical dimensions (climate crisis, resource exploitation, pollution) and assumes an intense exchange between the natural and the cultural. In this sense, in the last edition of Pinta PArC, the works in this section imaginatively explored the relationships woven between sculpture, architecture, and the green areas of the garden where they are presented.
The Sculpture Garden was located outdoors at the main entrance of Casa Prado.
For the second consecutive year, the Sculpture Garden was sponsored by Audi.
Participaiting Artists:
Stefano Campodonico
Now: Gallery (Lima, Perú)
Juan Diego Tobalina
Galería Enhorabuena (Lima, Perú | Madrid, España)
Alejandra Ortiz de Zevallos
La Mancha Galería (Lima, Perú)
Marisabel Arias
Paseolab (Punta del Este, Uruguay | Lima, Perú)
Ana Orejuela
La Galería (San Isidro, Perú)
Haroldo Higa
Carlos García-Montero (Lima, Perú)
Bernardo Montoya
Salón Comunal Galería (Bogotá, Colombia)
Max Hernández Calvo
Max Hernández Calvo is an independent curator and art critic. His recent curatorial highlights include retrospectives of Marcel Velaochaga, Singles, covers y remixes, ICPNA Miraflores (2024), Alberto Borea, Arqueologías del presente y poéticas de la ciudad (co-curator Adriana Tomatis), ICPNA Miraflores (2022); Fernando Bedoya, Artista en Residencia, ICPNA Miraflores (2022); and Aldo Chaparro, Too Late to Die Young, ICPNA Miraflores (2020) and the solo shows of Martín Touzón, Una economía sensible, Galería Vigil Gonzáles, Cusco (2023); Vanessa Karin, Flirty Cry Baby, Galería Ginsberg (2022); Álvaro Icaza and Verónica Luyo, ¿; {^), Galería Crisis (2019); among others. He was curator of the project Misplaced Ruins by Gilda Mantilla and Raimond Chaves, for the Pavilion of Peru, 56th Venice Biennale (2015).
He has published the books El mañana fue hoy. 21 años de videocreación y arte electrónico en el Perú, co-edited with José-Carlos Mariátegui and Jorge Villacorta (Lima, 2018) and Franquicias imaginarias. Las opciones estéticas en las artes plásticas del Perú de fin de siglo, co-author Jorge Villacorta (Lima, 2002).